High Value Data: Reshaping Brands and Driving E-Commerce Revolution

I’ve just published a new article on how high-value data is reshaping brands and driving the e-commerce revolution to the FTT blog.

In this piece, I delve into the importance of customer data as the fuel that propels your e-commerce revolution discussing how companies like Netflix and Spotify leverage comprehensive customer views and tailored content delivery for success, and how this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I also share insights on how to own your data using tools like Optimizely’s Data Platform (ODP) and how to formalize your data strategy to guide your company’s direction and ambitions as a data-driven organization.

At FTT, we believe in automating the execution of strategic thinking with test and learn cycles to grow quicker and liberate employees to focus on ever-higher value initiatives.

Check out the full article here and let me know your thoughts.

Hight Value Data: Reshaping Brands and Driving E-Commerce Revolution (ftt.ai)

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